Hi loves! I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes me, or anyone happy, for that matter. I feel like I always struggled with this question and always struggled with just being "happy." Growing up, I often felt angry, frustrated, anxious and sad. I still feel these feelings, but I wouldn't say they take ...
An Honest Review of the Cult French Beauty Products
American girls seems to be obsessed with French style and beauty and I have always had a little fascination with how chic they seem to be too. Though, I've never really understood the full-on "obsession" and hundreds of articles telling us how to be like them. I think it's just a simple matter of wanting ...
Guide To Paris
Who isn't obsessed with Paris? As a New Yorker, there is only one city that can be seen as superior and that is Paris. I studied abroad in Paris years ago and looking back, it was magical. It seems to have a je ne sais qui that no other city can match. Though, what I realized is ...
10 NYC Rooftop Bars You Need To Know About
Hello, spring! You are looking and feeling so lovely on my skin. I chase warm weather so you won't find me in New York unless it's spring, summer or fall. BUT now that it's spring, I'm back here for a bit and loving these 70 degree days, hoping it lasts. Now is the time to ...
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